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The 2nd Annual Women's Prayer Breakfast convened by the Gospel Hall Assemblies of Grenada and hosted by the Crochu Assembly, took place on Saturday 30th May 2015, at 8:00 a.m. at the Faith Pentecostal Church, Pomme Rose, St David under the Theme: "Be Still And Know That I Am God".


Close to 100 women from around Grenada representing several different denominations, gathered to praise the Lord in testimony, song and prayer. The Guest Speaker Ms Esther Thomas, brought a stirring message to all gathered.

The breakfast menu included: Cocoa Tea; bakes; saltfish souse, fishcakes; ham; fruit; several types of bread; buns; cake; pudding; juice, etc. The Event was chaired by Claudette Rouse of the Calivigny Gospel Hall.

Congratulations all, on a beautiful morning in the presence of the Lord.

The 3rd Annual Women's Prayer Breakfast was held on Saturday 28th May 2016, hosted by the Perdmontemps Gospel Hall, chaired by Hazel Hopkin of the Ladigue Gospel Hall, with Speaker, Sis. Sherma Ross of the Calivigny Gospel Hall. 


See Photos on Home Page!

44th Sisters Anniversary Programme

Thursday 28th August 2014

Calivigny Gospel Hall

"A Closer Walk"

Sis Claire Banfield performing in song.

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Caribbean Brethren Assemblies Conference

14th - 17th July 2014 - St Kitts Marriott Resort

Theme: "Strengthening The Things That Remain As We Forge Forward Using The Old Message." Rev 3: 2

Presentations - Reference Documents: "Autopsy of A Deceased Church"

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Jim Fleming, International Co-ordinator, ECS Ministries, together with his wife, Sharon, visited Grenada July 3rd - 7th 2014 as part of a Caribbean Familiarization tour to garner interest in the Emmaus Correspondence School Courses.

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The Women hosted the Fathers to a lovely social evening surprise at Fort Frederick on Saturday 14th June 2014  in honour of Father's Day.



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"Take Time Out"

The 1st Annual Women's Prayer Breakfast, hosted by the Gospel Hall Assemblies of Grenada, took place on Saturday 31st May 2014, at 8:00 a.m. at the Calivigny Gospel Hall under the Theme: "Take Time Out".

Over 100 women from around Grenada representing several different denominations, gathered to praise the Lord in testimony, song and prayer. The Guest Speaker Mrs Eudine Banfield, brought a stirring message to all gathered.

The breakfast menu included: Cocoa Tea; bakes; saltfish souse fishcakes; ham; fruit; several types of bread; buns; cake; pudding; juice, etc. The Event was chaired by Melecia Rodney of the Perdmontemps Gospel Hall.

Congratulations all, on a beautiful morning in the presence of the Lord.

The 2nd Annual Women's Prayer Breakfast is tentatively scheduled for Saturday 30th May 2015 hosted by the Crochu Gospel Hall.


Listen to Sabrina Phillips of the St George's Gospel Hall testify in Song:

1st Annual Women's Prayer Breakfast

1st Annual Women's Prayer Breakfast

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The Men hosted the Mothers to a lovely catered Dinner on

Saturday 10th May 2014 at the Church in honour of Mother's Day.

"You did well, men"!

Mother's Day Dinner May 10th 2014

Mother's Day Dinner May 10th 2014











Annual Easter Sunday School Sports Day at La Sagesse Playing Field on Easter Monday April 21, 2014, hosted by Calivigny Gospel Hall with St George's; Perdmontemps;  Laura; Crochu and La Digue in attendance.

A day of fun and fellowship.

Easter Monday Sports Day 2014

Easter Monday Sports Day 2014





























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An evening of special music and singing hosted by the Perdmontemps Gospel Hall

on Sunday 28th Septemebr 2014

at Calivigny Gospel Hall

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