SUNDAY SERMON 2020/2021/2022
January 12th 2020
Speaker: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
Theme: "Life In Death"
Jauary 26th 2020
Speaker: Bro. Ronald Simon
Theme: "What Is The Church?" Ephesians 1: 1-4
February 16th, 2020
Speaker: Bro. Lewis Rouse
Theme: "Why Does God Place Certain People In Our Lives?"
February 23rd, 2020
Speaker: Bro. Jeffrey Neptune
Theme: "Selling Yourself"
July 12th, 2020
July 19th, 2020
August 09, 2020
Speaker: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
Theme: "Time to Take a Stand"
September 13, 2020
Speaker: Bro. Lewis Rouse
Theme: "Take Off the Grave Clothes" John 11: 39-44
September 20, 2020
Speaker: Bro. Jeffrey Neptune
Theme: "How Smart Are You?"
SEPTEMBER 27th, 2020
Speaker: Bro. Daniel Ross
Theme: "How Do We Finish?"
OCTOBER 11TH, 2020
Speaker: Bro. Allan Neptune
Theme: "What Time Is It?"
Speaker: Bro. Daniel Ross
Theme: "Removing the Garbage"
Speaker: Bro. Herman Sylvester
Theme: "Walking Worthy"
Speaker: Bro. Jeffrey Neptune
Theme: "God Is Our Refuge and Strength: Ps 46: 1-3: 10
Speaker: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
Theme: "O Come, All Ye Faithful" Hebrews 11: 1-6
Speaker: Bro. Daniel Ross
Theme: "For Unto us a Child is Born" Isaiah 9: 6
JANUARY 17TH, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Ted James
Theme: "I have played the fool"
JANUARY 31ST, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Daniel Ross
Theme: "Is God's Mark Upon Your Life?"
MARCH 21ST, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Ronald Simon
Theme: "A Package from Heaven" 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4
APRIL 11TH, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Ted James
Theme" "Servants and Masters"
APRIL 18TH, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Jeffrey Neptune
Theme: "How Deep Are You In Love?"
APRIL 25TH, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Daniel Ross
Theme: "God's Way, Will, Worker, Work, Word" 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-4
MAY 9TH, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Allan Neptune
Theme: "The Walk of a Christian"
MAY 30TH, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
Theme: "Come out of Lodebar"
JUNE 13TH, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Herman Sylvester
Theme: "The Great Physician"
AUGUST 22ND, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
Theme: "Alone, yet not Alone".
AUGUST 29TH, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Daniel Ross
Theme: "Where there is no vision, the people perish".
Speaker: Bro. Ronald Simon
Theme: "Grace, Mercy, Peace"
SPEAKER: Bro. Allan Neptune
Theme: "The Annointed One"
SPEAKER: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
Theme: "O Taste and See that the Lord is Good"
OCTOBER 10TH, 2021
SPEAKER: Bro. Daniel Ross
OCTOBER 17TH, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Ronald Simon
Theme: "Towards Spiritual Maturity"
OCTOBER 31ST, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Jeffrey Neptune
Theme: "Growth In The Christian's Sphere"
OCTOBER 24TH, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Allan Neptune
Theme: "Look Away Unto Jesus"
Speaker: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
Theme: "Jesus, The Rock"
Speaker: Pastor Oscar Reuben
Theme: "What Do You Do When You Don't Know What To Do?"
December 26th, 2021
Speaker: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
January 9th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Daniel Ross
January 16th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Ronald Simon
Theme: "Thinking of Others"
January 23rd, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Allan Neptune
Theme: "Past, Present, Future"
February 13th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
Theme: "Finding your place in God's secret place".
February 20th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Daniel Ross
February 27th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Ronald Simon
Theme: "Make Use of the Blood".
March 20th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Ted James
Theme: "Are you hungry? Are you thirsty?"
March 13th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Jeffrey Neptune
Theme: "Is it Right to do Wrong".
March 27th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
April 10th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Berley Adair (Jamaica)
Theme: "The Hallmark of a Christian".
April 17th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Allan Neptune
Theme: "It Is Finished".
May 8th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
Theme: "Women of Influence".
May 15th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Daniel Ross
Theme: "7 Reasons Why We Should Give Thanks."
May 29th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Allan Neptune
Theme: "The Ultimate Joy of the Disciples".
May 22nd, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Herman Sylvester
Theme: "Gathering In His Name".
June 19th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
July 10th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Allan Neptune
Theme: "Righteousness"
June 26th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Daniel Ross
August 21st, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Allan Neptune
Theme: "What are you wearing?" Matthew 22: 1-14
August 28th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Jeffrey Neptune
Theme: "Trusting in the Goodness of God."
September 11th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Johnell Mitchell
September 25th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Ronald Simon
Theme: "God's Next Move".
September 18th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Daniel Ross
October 9th, 2022
Speaker: Bro. Jeffrey Neptune
Theme: "Deadly Misconception"